Windows 10 & Your Computer: A Work in Progress

Chances are if you own a desktop or laptop it’s running Windows 10. The latest addition to the Microsoft OS (Operating System) Family. If you remember for the first 2 years of the launch of Windows 10 it was FREE if you upgrade from your Windows 7 or higher OS (Win 8 & Win 8.1).

This strategy was a bid to outrun Apple’s latest Mac OS kind of the like the space race between Russia and the United States. Microsoft & Apple competed desperately to be the first to release the next big OS. It wasn’t just about being first but also capturing the most number of users.

Hence the introduction of the Win 10 OS free to upgrade for everyone worldwide who was currently running a genuine copy of Windows 7 or higher.

However FIRST & FREE meant compensating on a few factors and cutting corners, instead of finishing the development, trial & testing of Win 10 and ensuring that a fully functional, nearly bug-free OS, Microsoft opted to launch a semi-developed and semi-tested OS and decided to do two things: First release updates as often as possible to make up for the lack of development of features and security & Secondly gather information on how users are using Win 10 and how the OS is responding to users usage so better updates can be released quicker. Microsoft gave the world a half finished product and is improving it on “The Fly”

With several updates being rolled out almost every week since the launch puts extra burden on a computers RAM which is the running memory or short term memory of a computer, burdens the Processor which is the main brain of the operation & burdens the HDD the permanent storage device on your computer, ultimately leading failures of these said components and more such as the Fan or Cooling device as well as the Motherboard itself.

So if you find your computer heating up, running slow, loading or booting up slow, crashing and freezing or the infamous BSoD or “Blue Screen of Death” chances are your Computer’s or Operating System’s health is declining.

Tiggar’s Computer Repair Services in Atlanta, Lithonia & Hampton are here just for such occasions, we provide comprehensive computer diagnostics & operating system diagnostics to first gauge and help you understand the nature of the malfunction of your computer and guaranteed computer repairs which we have been proudly for over a Decade.

So call now today or visit our friendly people and tech savvy staff are standing by to take the headache away of your computer malfunctions.